I'm happy to be an Industry Insider Guest of Honor at GenCon 2011. This means I'll speak on a variety of panels and seminars with topics ranging from cover design to crowdfunding to game design. Here's my schedule.
The No-No's of Game Design - SEM1128758
Matt Forbeck, Jonathan Tweet, Jeff Neil Bellinger, Stan!, Daniel Solis
Designing games is as much about what NOT to do, as it is what you should do. Our Industry Insider panelist Stan!, Jeff Neil Bellinger, Matt Forbeck, Daniel Solis and Jonathan Tweet will review different mistakes new (and experienced) game designers make.
Thur 12pm - 1 Hr - ICC 212
Patronage & Kickstarter: How to Get Paid Up Front - SEM1128827
Gary M. Sarli, Wolfgang Baur, Daniel Solis, Greg Stolze
Insights from Industry Insider Guests of Honor Wolfgang Baur, Gary M. Sarli, Daniel Solis and Greg Stolze on how they funded projects by convincing patrons to donate early in exchange for exclusive access, rewards, and even input into the project.
Fri 9am - 1 Hr - ICC 212
The Best Games EVER! - SEM1128737
Greg Stolze, Wolfgang Baur, Ryan Dancey, Stan!, Daniel Solis, Will Hindmarch, James Ernest, Jeff Neil Bellinger
The titles the same, the guests are different! This popular panel is back for another lighthearted discussion as our Industry Insider guests talk about their top best game products EVER ... and defend their choices. Guaranteed to be a spirited debate. Audience participation is welcome!
Fri 11am - 2 Hr - ICC 212
A Cover is a Promise: Designing a Cover that Works - SEM1128753
Daniel Solis
Art director & Industry Guest Daniel Solis offers practical tips for designing RPG book covers that fit your game & speak to customers. See plenty of examples from mainstream & indie RPG products. See what tricks you can pull from other media. Daniel is a creative director at Third Degree & adjunct professor of Print Media Design at OCU. He has designed covers & interior layouts for Mur Lafferty, John Wick, Greg Stolze, & Jared Sorensen.
Sat 11am - 1 Hr - Westin Council
The Thousand-Year Game Design Challenge - SEM1128728
Daniel Solis
Game designer and Industry Insider guest Daniel Solis is issuing a challenge to ALL game designers: Create a game that people will still play and enjoy a thousand years from now. In this seminar, Daniel will describe the origin of the challenge, what it means for game design and discuss some noteworthy entrants. Daniel will also spend time reviewing your prototypes and pitches.
Sun 10am - 1 Hr - ICC 212
Register for these events at GenConReg.com! See you there! I'll also be signing books at some point during the convention. More to come when that schedule is finalized.
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