Monday, November 15, 2010

The Review

My Game Enviroment I believe worked out very well. The enviroment was meant to be a desert Oasis in the blitz of a sand storm. I came up with the game idea from watch and playing alot of SciFi theme entertainment. The desert oasis came about from watching a movie called "The Objective", in which these specials are hiking through a desert on a mission and find a desert oasis. From all this I wrote the story, thumbnailing ideas and concepts as i went. The SandStorm is was something i created to show a hostil desert enviroment.

From the thumbnail stage i started on the blueprint and asset list. Creating these helped me flesh out the level into the bricks i needed to bring it to life. The Genre and target audience was important to get sorted early on, as these would influince the game in many ways. I also added the Objectives(primary and secondary) into the blueprint.

Controls, Interface, and Gameplay mechanics was also an important stage to get down early. The way in which the game is played can have huge effects of the models and textures of the end work. The modelling then began, I started with the High Priority assets as the game had no hope of working without them, finialy finishing with the Low Priority assets. The UVW unwrapping was a long process but I completed them with only minor problems that are now sorted. Texturing was good fun, seeing all the hours apon hours of work coming togather was a great feeling.

Putting everything into Unity was the next step. I made the terrian and textured it next, adding sand dunes and mountains. I placed all the Assets in there spots according to my blueprint. The SandStorm created with the partial effects looks great ingame and dont chew too much resources. Infact the game itself doesnt chew too much for a large level, which was part too optimizing the enviroment to work on computers with lesser specs.

It came from an Idea and now its a full Unity Game Level Enviroment, the Desert Oasis being hammered by a SandStorm.

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