Friday, November 12, 2010

Quiz Night 6th November

Last Saturday on the 6th November, it was my dad's 50th birthday so we held a 'Quiz Night' event to celebrate. The main quiz was created by myself, my mother and my sister over 3-4 days.

We each chose to write questions for categories which we were knowledgeable about. I predictably chose Gaming, and Literature, my mum chose History, Sport, and Geography

My sister, Sarah, did cartoons and animation, since she loves to draw, and bits of general knowledge.

Thinking of the gaming questions was particularly challenging because I was aiming these questions at my relatives, most of which have barely played a video game in their lives. As such the questions had to be simple and generally about older arcade games like Pong and Space Invaders, so at least there would be a chance that they may have played the games in the questions before.

Below I have taken some screen prints from the PowerPoint Quiz document:

 I figured this would be a good question to get the ball rolling. I'm confident that most people got this question right. :)

 Once again another easy question. I hoped that Pong was a very recognisable game. I think some people wrote down Ping Pong, but we still gave them the mark, since they were almost right.

 On reflection this question was much too difficult for the audience I was aiming the questions at. To get the question right, you had to know the difference between a game Developer and a game Publisher. Many didn't so they answered Nintendo mostly. Still, the question gave me an excuse to get some screenshots from Goldeneye, one of my favourite N64 games of all time. ;)

 After the question about video game developers, I decided to throw in another easy question. The bonus question gives people a chance, since they could simply use the full name of the character, Sonic The Hedgehog, since that's the title of Sonic's first game.

 This is one of the literature slides I created. You may have noticed that the above picture only shows 8 members of the fellowship, as opposed to the full 9. Originally the full 9 were visible, but my sister persuaded me to crop the far left of the image (Legolas) to make the question more difficult. I felt guilty about this later on, since I saw some people counting the number of people in the picture. This slide also contains a bonus question, which is much harder than the normal question.

This is one of the 'Cartoons and Animation' questions my sister created. Most fans of the Simspons cartoon will know that Bart Simspon is in fact voiced by a woman rather than a man, as most people would suspect.

 This was a very difficult and clever question my sister came up with. I didn't get the answer right, even when she showed me the picture.I'd never noticed that before, although it's been several years since I regularly watched the Flintstones.

 Another interesting question. I got this one right on my second guess. First I guessed Pluto (Mickey's pet dog), then I thought for a bit and said Donald Duck. After seeing a picture, it is much more obvious. (As on many of the questions, the picture is animated and only appears on a separate answer slide, to keep the questions difficult).

Okay well there are many more slides I could show, the slide total was in fact a whopping 165 slides. ;) But showing more slides would be a bit pointless I believe the selection I have chosen shows off the Quiz nicely.

Overall the Quiz Night was a success, me, mum and Sarah put a lot of effort into it, and we only just got it done on time, since we were all busy with other things, me and sarah with Uni, and my mum with feeling really ill. :(

I think my relatives enjoyed the Quiz Night, they seemed to like getting answers right. ;)

This concludes my fairly brief account of the Quiz Night we created for my dad's 50th Birthday.

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