Wednesday, December 1, 2010

David Bramhall & Vicky Rowley: Sony Evolution Studios

Position: Q&A (David) HR (Vicky)

David began the lecture with his journey through the industry; he started as a Q&A tester at Sony for the WRC series. After that, he worked on LEGO Indiana Jones at Travellers Tales before moving back to Sony and working on Motorstorm Apocalypse.

David then talked about the roles of different departments in the company, namely Artists, Designers, Animators, Producers and Q&A. Both David and Vicky explained the importance of these different departments and how they worked together to make a finished game.

Vicky continued the second half of the lecture by going over how to contact studios and what they expect to see on the application. CVs and covering letters were discussed, and how they should be built differently depending on who they were sent to.

Finally, they closed the lecture with an open questions session, which David used to hurl chocolate bars at us.

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