Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ideas and concepts

I wanted to try something new with this game i would be making with my team, we had been shown devices called phidgets in class, each with a different use such as motion sensors, force sensors, heat sensors ect.

We could also make a game just using the normal keyboard and mouse input, but base it around a theme we where given this was:

“Container for Unknown Belligerent Entities (CUBE)”

And here are the ideas of myself and my team
Our initial concepts:

“kill or be killed”

A game of players stuck inside a square maze, the play must chose a good or bad path to escape from the maze using the other prisoners to help u escape or taking a darker options and only thinking of number one.

“Free runner"

Player users motion sensors to dodge or attempt to run though objects in their path, the run speed will get faster and fast until the player dies


Puzzle game in which the player starts in a dungeon. The player is presented with 4 objects with different attributes. The player has 30 seconds to figure out what each object does before a hint appears on screen and they must solve the puzzle. The timer changes depending on the difficulty of the puzzle. The controls are 4 phidgets, each controlling one of the objects on screen. E.g. slider for brightness, proximity for size, accelerometer for movement. The objects change on each level.

“Wrong turn”

The player controls a person trapped in a strange alternate reality populated by enemies with cube shaped heads. Unarmed, the player must venture through places they once knew to escape this twisted world defeating enemies in intuitive ways through puzzles, traps and sometimes just running the other way. The cube theme would be used to explain the enemies appearance, the cube containing an evil entity is in fact the evil residing within their minds.

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